Even the simplest of tax forms can be complicated, depending on circumstances. In DGW Kramer LLP, our tax lawyers can provide you with accurate, effective legal advice that will help you and your business meet your tax obligations without paying more than necessary. Through taxation planning and management, we work to minimize the tax liabilities of your businesses. We negotiate tax collection settlements. If negotiations are not productive, we litigate tax disputes.
Our cross-border tax practice assists clients with reducing tax, especially U.S. income tax, on their worldwide income. By focusing on global tax strategies, we help clients minimize their tax costs and maximize their net-of-tax financial returns. We regularly advise our multi-national clients in structuring acquisitions and foreign operations so as to lessen worldwide taxes and facilitate the tax-efficient repatriation and reinvestment of earnings. With our extensive cross-border transactional experience, our lawyers help clients develop cross-border sales and financing strategies that minimize Subpart F income and maximize foreign tax credit relief for non-U.S. activities, including hybrid debt/equity capital structures.
Our Areas of Work Include
- International Tax Matters
- Pre-Immigration Tax Planning
- Tax Controversy
- Tax Litigation
- Trust and Estate Tax Planning