Daily Archives: May 2, 2020


We aim for exceptional quality in each and every client interaction, every written document, and every moment of our client’s representation. We pursue excellence and aim to deliver quality in all aspects of our services. Our team members pursue excellence individually and in our collaborations together.
Excellence One team, many possibilities.
We build and maintain an environment in which creative people thrive. At DGW Kramer, we value the people leading our Firm, its practice groups, offices, departments, and initiatives. We encourage our diverse lawyers and staff to lead within the legal community, and we regularly publish and present on a variety of cutting-edge issues.
Leadership Unveil the best quality of our people
We know that clients want legal counsel with knowledge, expertise, and pragmatic advice. At DGW Kramer, we bring deep expertise in U.S.-China legal issues, along with other cross-border and domestic legal needs, including corporate transactions, civil litigation, immigration, and real estate. We approach each client question with an unstoppable combination of expertise and diligence. We enjoy the hard work of helping clients solve their legal issues.
Expertise & Diligence Local expertise with international perspectives

DHS Proposes Merit-Based Rule for More Effective and Efficient H-1B Visa Program

On November 30, 2018, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (hereinafter the “Proposed Rule”) that would require petitioners seeking to file H-1B cap-subject petitions to first electronically register with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) during a designated registration period. Under the proposed rule, USCIS would also reverse the

Chinese Companies Doing Business in Cuba Face Massive Exposure in Helms-Burton Act Lawsuits

By Perry Bechky and Amiad Kushner* On April 17, 2019, the Trump Administration opened the floodgates to lawsuits against parties “trafficking” in expropriated Cuban property, lifting a suspension of such lawsuits that had been in effect since 1996.  It is anticipated that many lawsuits will be filed under the federal law permitting such lawsuits, known

What makes us different makes us better.