

We aim for exceptional quality in each and every client interaction, every written document, and every moment of our client’s representation. We pursue excellence and aim to deliver quality in all aspects of our services. Our team members pursue excellence individually and in our collaborations together.
Excellence One team, many possibilities.
We know that clients want legal counsel with knowledge, expertise, and pragmatic advice. At DGW Kramer, we bring deep expertise in U.S.-China legal issues, along with other cross-border and domestic legal needs, including corporate transactions, civil litigation, immigration, and real estate. We approach each client question with an unstoppable combination of expertise and diligence. We enjoy the hard work of helping clients solve their legal issues.
Expertise & Diligence Local expertise with international perspectives
We build and maintain an environment in which creative people thrive. At DGW Kramer, we value the people leading our Firm, its practice groups, offices, departments, and initiatives. We encourage our diverse lawyers and staff to lead within the legal community, and we regularly publish and present on a variety of cutting-edge issues.
Leadership Unveil the best quality of our people

Qualified Opportunity Zones: Hot Tubs and Other Hot Topics

Qualified Opportunity Zones:Hot Tubs and Other Hot Topicsby Libin Zhang The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (P.L. 115-97) created a new concept of qualified opportunity zones (QOZs), in which some investments receive tax deferral and tax exemption benefits. Although all the QOZs have now been identified, there issubstantial uncertainty about investments allowed within the zones

FinCEN’s GTO Aims to Discover Identities of High-End Real Estate Buyers

On January 14, 2016, the US Department of Treasury issued a GTO (Geographic Targeting Order) targeted at high-end residential real estate market in Manhattan, New York and Miami-Dade County, Florida. The Order requires certain American title insurance companies to identify the “beneficial owners” behind companies purchasing luxury real estate properties in all-cash under certain circumstances.

The Fair Labor Standards Act

The purpose of this article is to briefly educate Chinese companies with US subsidiaries, individuals interested in starting and operating a business in the United States, about the FLSA and how to maintain compliance with FLSA regulations. It is our goal to provide the best quality service for our clients and part of that involves

Zen and the Art of a [Brief] Reply

By: Katie Burghardt KramerThe original article is published in the ABA Litigation Journal, Volume 44, Number 4, Summer 2018 Reply briefs are tricky—you can’t say anything entirely new, but you need to say something new. How do you find the right balance? How do you maximize the opportunity to have the last word? I offer a few brief tips.  Keep

Qualified Opportunity Zones: Hot Tubs and Other Hot Topics

Qualified Opportunity Zones:Hot Tubs and Other Hot Topicsby Libin Zhang The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (P.L. 115-97) created a new concept of qualified opportunity zones (QOZs), in which some investments receive tax deferral and tax exemption benefits. Although all the QOZs have now been identified, there is substantial uncertainty about investments allowed within the

What makes us different makes us better.