Turning Defense into Offense: Major International Arbitration Victory

The litigation attorneys at DGW Kramer LLP recently assisted a client in the manufacturing sector in receiving a significant international arbitration award in its favor.  The client faced a $14 million claim from a disgruntled business counterpart.  DGW Kramer helped the client turn defense into offense by pursuing counterclaims worth about $500,000 against the adversary.  After a six-day final hearing conducted via Zoom, the arbitrator denied the adversary’s claims in their entirety and ruled instead in the client’s favor on their key counterclaim.  

The DGW Kramer attorneys handling this matter were Katie Burghardt Kramer, Rongping (Larry) Wu, and Olivia Goetsch.  

The dispute resolution attorneys at DGW Kramer LLP have proven ability in representing clients in international arbitration and civil litigation matters.  For more information, please contact [email protected] or [email protected].